
You got stuck somewhere on your application, and now you don’t know what to do. Don’t panic! Whether it’s a simple typo, or you missed a section, Worry Free Tenant is here to help YOU. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the ENTIRE tenant application process from start to finish. Be sure to keep this guide open in a separate tab while you fill out your application, so you don’t lose your progress!

Step 1: The Home Page

So you’re ready to create your very own tenant account and start searching for rentals. When you come to Worry Free Tenant’s home page, click the yellow button that says “I’m a Tenant.”

Step 2: Tenant Rental Application Page

Welcome to the Tenant Rental Application page. Here you can see the details about our tenant services before you sign up. Everything from price to what’s included in your tenant application can be found on this page. When you’re ready to create your own account, click the yellow box at the top of the page that says “Apply Now.”

Step 3: Creating Your Tenant Account

Alright, this is the easy part. Before you can fill out your application, you’ll need to create an account. This will be the login information that you will use for your Tenant Dashboard. The Tenant Dashboard is where you can search for rentals and share your Tenant Screening Report with potential landlords.

The following information is required:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
    • Please Include the Area Code
  • Email Address
    • Please Confirm Your Email Address
  • Password
    • Please note that all passwords must be a minimum of eight characters and include at least one UPPER CASE LETTER, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character (e.g. #, $, %, !, etc.)
    • Please Confirm Your Password

After you have filled out your information, you will be asked to read Worry Free Tenant’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. When you’ve finished reading them, be sure to check the box at the bottom of the page that says “I have read and accept Worry Free Tenant’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use above.”

When you have checked the box for Worry Free Tenant’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, click the yellow button beneath it that says “Proceed to Payment.”

Step 4: Payment

Once you have created your account, you’ll be asked to input your method of payment, this one-time payment covers the cost of your entire application and tenant screening report. After you are given your report, you can share it with as many Worry Free Tenant landlords as you want, for free.

Please note that the boxes marked with a red asterisk are required to complete the payment process. When you have filled out the required information, please check the box at the bottom of your screen that says “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions.” When you have checked that box, you may then click the yellow button that says “Place Order.”

But wait! What if I have a coupon code?

All coupon codes can be entered by clicking on the green bar at the top of your screen that says “Have a coupon? Click here to enter your code.”

Step 5: Tenant Dashboard

After completing the payment process, you’ll be redirected to your Tenant Dashboard, where you will see a message that looks like this:

Your referral code is in the green text and can always be found here on your Tenant Dashboard. This is the code that you will share with potential landlords so that they can view your Tenant Screening Report.

Step 6: Tenant Screening Application

On your Tenant Dashboard, scroll down to until you see the application, it will look like this:

To complete your application, click on the yellow “Complete Application” button.

Tenant Information

After you have filled out the following information, click the yellow “Save and Submit” button to move onto the next section.

The following information is required:

  • First and Last Name
  • Current Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Social Security Number
  • Phone Number
  • Driver’s License/State ID Number and the State Issued

After filling out your information and clicking “Save and Submit,” you will be directed to the next section of the application.


This section asks for the information of your current and previous landlords. If you have no current landlord, check the box at the top of the section that says “No Current Landlord.”

In the following section, if you have no previous landlord, check the box that says “No Previous Landlord.”

Upon completion of the Landlords section, click the yellow “Save and Submit” button in the bottom right-hand corner to be directed to the next section.


This section asks for the information of your current and previous employers. If you have no current employer check the box at the top of the section that says “No Current Employer.”

In the following section, if you do not have a previous employer, check the box at the top of the section that says “No Previous Employer.”

Upon completion of the Employers section, click the yellow “Save and Submit” button in the bottom right-hand corner to be directed to the next section.

Move-In & Occupants

This section asks for the information about your Move In and the Occupants. The following information is required:

  • Desired Move-In Date
  • Monthly Rent in USD
  • Requested Lease Duration
  • Total Occupants in Home (including yourself)

If you have any pets, please fill out the necessary information by clicking the green text that says “+ Add,” under the pets section.

Upon completion of the Move In & Occupants section, click the yellow “Save and Submit” button in the bottom right hand corner to be directed to the next section.

Screening Consent

This section asks you to read Worry Free Tenant’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. After you’ve read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, check the box at the bottom of the section that says “I have read and accept Worry Free Tenant’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use above.”

After checking the box, click the yellow “Save and Submit” button in the bottom right hand corner of the section to be directed to the next part of your application.

Step 7: Driver’s License/State ID

After completing the section titled “Your Information,” you may move onto the next section titled “Upload Driver’s License/State ID.” (The section may look grayed out, but you CAN click on it.) A box will appear where you can upload an image of your driver’s license or state ID. Click the yellow box that says “Browse” to upload an image from your computer or mobile device.

After you’ve uploaded your driver’s license or state ID, you may move onto the next part of your application.

Step 8: Upload Paystub

To move onto the next part of your application, click the text that says “Upload Paystub.”

Click the yellow box that says “Browse” to upload an image of your paystub, 1099, or other proof of income.

If you have no source of income, check the box that says “No Income.”

If you have other sources of income, click the green text that says “Add other forms of income,” to add your other sources.

After you’ve uploaded your income sources, you may move onto the next part of your application.

Step 9: Verify & Sign

To move onto the next part of your application, click the text that says “Verify & Sign.”

To verify your information you will be asked to sign with a digital signature. Click the green text that says digital signature.

Please sign your signature in the grey box. If you are using your computer, you will need to use your mouse to sign. If you are using your mobile device with a touch screen, you can sign with your finger.

If you need to redo your signature, click the yellow button that says “Clear.”

Be sure to have the correct date on your signature.

After you have signed, click the yellow button that says “Save and Submit” in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Congratulations! Your tenant application is complete. Once your tenant application is approved, you will receive your tenant screening report, which you can share with as many Worry Free Tenant landlords as you would like for FREE.

Still having difficulties with your application? Contact us at office@worryfreetenant.com.